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WellWork in small groups

In response to your requests to deepen this work in smaller groups, Santjes invites you to participate in 90-minute sessions as an extension of the WellWork workshops. These will be offered as on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Supta Yoga studio on Nantucket (Jan 25, Feb 8, Feb 22, March 8, March 22). The first session will be Wednesday January 25. Register via Supta's MindBody website using the button below. 

In a group of max. 8 participants, Santjes invites you to dive deeper into WellWork to inspire transformation of your inner world and deepen your connection to what guides you. These WellWork sessions are led by Santjes Oomen and are inspired by systemic constellation work and Shamanic rituals weaving between the physical and non-physical worlds. The WellWork classes will use the teachings of the wheel of the four directions and the wisdom and fresh curiosity of the group.


Santjes will ask each participant to bring a question that represents an opening: what seeks attention in your life right now? These questions will offer us inspiration to create rituals guided by the wheel of the four directions and the Found in Transition series. These 81 images by Santjes will provide nonverbal teachings alongside the wheel. 


Like dreaming, this is guided work, so we never know exactly what will happen. We follow the energy of the group field and the teachings of the wheel of life to restore connection between inner and outer worlds. 


These classes are part of the WellWork series hosted by Santjes and team.

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